Post-Mortem Update

It's been almost 3 months since O² Space Salvage's first release after the end of Ludum Dare 42. There hasn't been any updates to the game since that August, as well as a lot of bugs and annoying occurrences in the gameplay itself. So, I decided to do a Post-Mortem update for the game to fix some of these problems.

New Changes / Features:

  • Full Screen Mode, you can now toggle in and out of Full Screen Mode through the Settings Menu. Resolution for the game stays the same at 800 x 600.
  • Controller Support is finally fixed, at least for Windows Users*. Since macOS doesn't natively support Xbox Controllers, that function is still under construction, which is also why there is no O² for macOS.
  • Controlling the Ship is a little less jittery, I slowed the ship down by 25%, which is the only way I could get it to seem to not drag along. I also did this with sentry bots just because they were going at lightning fast speed before.
  • Course no longer follows the ship after the Level ends, it just disappears (as a temporary fix).

*Windows as in running the .exe on Windows or the Python version on Windows.


O² for Windows
Aug 14, 2018
O² Source Code
Aug 14, 2018

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